November 9, 2010

Good Website Content

Reading a website is not similar to reading a book or a newspaper, therefore before you start spilling money on campaigns be sure your site is built in accordance with internet writing standards. Let's talk about few simple rules you don't want to break when building a website.

Make a clear statement.If the visitor does not understands what is your website about, most chances he won't be there for a long time. The main issue of creating a good content is to be sharp and clear about your goal.

Don't waste your visitor's time. Time is money. Most people decide whether they are interested in what the website has to offer in just two seconds. Therefore make sure your landing page provides the most crucial and appealing information about your business.

Number one time waster is a heavy loading page with lots of flash animations and pictures. Make sure your web pages are not too heavy otherwise you might lose your visitors before they entered your website.

Most of the visitors need to find what they are looking for fast; otherwise they look for it elsewhere. As a webmaster you must make sure your data is well categorizes and divided to relevant pages, categories, headlines and sub-titles. A visitor must be able to navigate your website easily and successfully.

Ecommerce Website Design

Are you interested to indulge yourself in the field of e-commerce? It is true that e-commerce is the latest sensation in the field of business. Basically, e-commerce is a business technique, where the objects are bough or sold through various electronic media. The electronic media include Internet or the computer network and some other. The e-commerce is gaining some rapid popularity due to the increasing use of the Internet. On other hand, there is no maintenance cost required while you have to spend lots of money in maintenance of shop exist in real. Due to the low maintenance cost the e-commerce business groups are selling the products in low rates. This is another cause of its popularity. Now, to be successful in the field of e-commerce this is very much important to have a good website that reflects your business quality. In this article, we will discuss about the essential features of an E-commerce website.

First of all it is important to have a good template to create a good e-commerce website. It is always better to buy a ‘copyright web template’ for your own e-commerce website. Basically, this is to ensure that your website looks completely different if compared to some other competitive e-commerce websites. Now you may edit the web template that you bought as par your own necessity. But if you are enough confident about your skills, then you can design the web template yourself. Now the second important thing is regarding the website address. Try to have domain that ends with .com. Basically, it is important since .com is the most common and traditional extension of the websites. Now it is also very much important, to have a simple name as the web address. Don’t put any complex name, which is tough to pronounce in the web address filed. Try to avoid the special characters like ‘@’, ‘#’ or even ‘-‘ in the field of website address.

Web Site Design

Web site design is the process of designing a template or web site on the internet. This is used for many different types of web sites. Each web site design is unique and individual to the particular site in question. The site designer will begin by asking you some basic questions about the site and based on the answers, will begin to build a site for you and your particular product or service. All designs will be passed to you for approval and any changes asked for will be made into the site.

There are also web sites that will allow you to be the web site designer. Places such as Homestead, Angelfire and GeoCities will allow you to design your own web site. If you are a small business, it may be advisable to either consult with the designer at the place that hosts your site, or consult a web site designer. A poorly designed and made site will drive away traffic and cost you sales, time and money. This is why a web site designer needs to be called in, to make the site look professional and clean. This is a must when selling on the internet.

When you are looking for a web site designer, please bear in mind the following: How many of these sites have the designer done? Are they reputable? Can you talk to clients of this web site designer? These questions will need to be answered. Take time to research the designer in question. This is a must to take action on. As with anything else, there are cons out there willing to take your money and leave you to hold the bag. Sufficient research will net you the honest ones out there.

November 4, 2010

Online Outsourcing

If you find yourself working for 14 hours a day, weekends included, yet there’s so much more you want to do as your profits depend on your production rate, then chances are, you’d really love what we will discuss in this article.

How does improving your production while spending less hours of work sound to you?

Fantastic, right?
This is possible through outsourcing, and more and more internet marketers are quickly realizing the value of this option in increasing their bottom line earnings. Case in point: have you noticed the proliferation of PLR websites these days? There are a lot of membership websites offering 100, 300 and even 1,000 articles per month, not counting the multitude of PLR bonuses they include, like eBooks, special reports and suppletory graphics. Most of these membership websites are owned and operated by one person. Now how can such a person write all those materials within 30 days?

Alas, this is the secret that quite a number of internet marketers have held on to until 2003.

It’s called outsourcing.

Outsourcing is defined as the hiring of third party service to fulfill some of the needs of your business. These services vary. They can be in the form of writing, programming, graphic arts, web design, consultancy, help desk management, and the likes. You can even outsource the everyday functions of your online office to a digital secretary, if you wish.

Outsourcing has outstanding benefits:

Keeping Up In The Domain Name Game

Choosing a domain name doesn't always come easy. There are a number of things to consider when choosing a domain name. But first ....

What is a domain name? Your domain name is the 'address' of your web site on the Internet. Your domain name can make or break your success so it is essential to pick the right one.

This brings up the first consideration for a domain name - Do you use a domain name that matches your business or do you choose a name that 'brands' your online presence?

Establishing a 'brand' name online and using that brand name helps people remember YOU and your online business. Take Amazon ( and Barnes & Noble ( as examples. You wouldn't know that they were online bookstores from their domain names BUT you know they are online book stores because of the 'branding' and the reputation they have built up. Remember branding happens over a period of time and isn't instant.

Amazon or Barnes & Noble could easily have chosen to match their type of business rather than choose the names they did. There is no hard and fast rule, it just depends on what your long term business plans/goals are.

Dazzling Web Hosting Deals

With the Internet business booming more and more with everyone who wants to be someone is seeking to gain both repute and money through the Internet. As a result, everybody is now busy investing. No, this investment is not in real estate, but in cyber estate... in domain names. Everyone seeking a place on the World Wide Web, will sooner or later decide to buy a website address, and watch that piece of virtual estate grow.

Now, every domain name owner needs to avail of good hosting services. While the best web hosting may not be considered affordable by new entrants into the business, do remember that your fundamental need is to cut costs and maximize revenue. However, in view of the millions of web hosting service providers that swarm the Internet markets, finding a web hosting deal has never been easier, while choosing a good one has never been more difficult.

As it is with all the deals that you get into, you must keep your requirements in mind. What kind of web hosting are you looking for? How much are you willing to pay? More importantly, how much will you be able to afford? And these are not the only questions that you will be asking. For instance, you would have to decide about the number of email addresses that you would be requiring for your website. Is it two, or twenty? How often would you need to update your site? Would it be daily, weekly, or monthly? Moreover, what kind of technologies would your website be in need of?

Secrects No Website Designer Or Web Hosting Provider Would Tell You

Web-hosting and designing the apt website for your business can be quite a daunting task for the uninitiated. Notwithstanding the jargon and the fact that most of the technical nitty-gritty would sound like a death knell to you, it is important and is something that your online or offline venture cannot do without. When it comes to website designing and hosting, there are a few secrets that the industry tends to keep them under wraps. Not that it would eat up your bottom-lines but it might help you in making the most prudent decisions with regards to your small business web design and hosting requirements.

Here is a list of a few things to keep in mind for the non-technical YOU. The more you pay heed, the better your decision is going to be.

• Read the terms and conditions of your web hosting provider and ensure that you know what you are getting for your money.

• Choose a plan that is appropriate for you. Some web hosting providers lure you into believing that they provide you with "Unlimited bandwidth". No one can provide with Unlimited "disk space" and "bandwidth" just because it is a saturated market out there amongst the web hosting providers and there is no one in the world to be able to provide you with the same. It is a marketing gimmick and it helps if you are aware of this fact. What is required here is your acuity and decision making skills - You ought to know approximately how much traffic your website must be getting to determine the bandwidth and the disk space. The hosting providers can manage to con you into believing that you have access to "Unlimited" Bandwidth and disk space because they know that most small business owners and webmasters do not need a lot of these parameters and hence they get to improvise.

Website Redesign

Every form of business, websites have become the norm and why shouldn’t they be as they are the most excellent way to connect with people without much ruckus. Design and layout of the website do matters a lot. On the other hand, most people think that they will have to survive with what they have in provisions of design, but in actuality, they don’t have to, particularly, when there is the matter of a website design or must we say, website redesign.

Going for a website redesign is the way to keep your website furnished with the current requirements of the online world, which of course, are and will keep on changing. Now, it actually depends on you on how you would be able to handle the changes and maintain your website in such a way that it conveys the best of the information and enhance the experience of the people visiting your website. However for a novice, it is actually difficult to understand how he should go about his website redesign.

There was surely a time when the websites were used principally just to convey some information, but at the present, websites are doing much more than that as they are serving more of an online catalogue. In this situation, you will always have to bring up to date your products and would want to present them in a charming way to lure more customers.

November 2, 2010

Web Hosting-All you need to know

Choosing the right web hosting is a crucial internet marketing decision. Getting it wrong is not an option!

Once you've chosen your web hosting company and the hosting package, you could be stuck with it for a long time.

Changing web hosts, with all the associated problems of transferring domain names, moving files, ensuring compatibility with the previous host, all combine to make it about as difficult as changing your bank.

Here's some of the points to look out for when choosing a new web hosting package:

* Technical support: How good and how fast is it? Email support is fine if you are guaranteed a fast response time. But better still is a local telephone help line. You might need help quickly.

* Technologies supported: As a minimum these days, you'd be looking for web servers which support "PHP" (a web scripting language) and "MySQL" (a web database system). It would also be useful at times to be able to set up and run "Cron Jobs" (which run programs, such as an auto responder mailout system, at regular times).

* Ease of use: If you know how to use an "FTP" program (software which lets you upload files from your computer to your web server), you might not need any more help. But, increasingly, hosting companies are providing their
customers with web-based control panels, letting you do a whole range of tasks through your browser. "cPanel" is the most popular and powerful control panel.

* Domain names: How many domain names are you allowed to set up with your web space? Do you get a free domain name with your account? You may want to run a number of different websites on the same server space - even if some of them are simple two- or three-page sales sites.

* Web space offered: Surprisingly, this is not as important as it used to be. Many hosting companies are offering web space in excess of 500 Mb - and you can get a lot of web pages into even 25 Mb! But, in my opinion, you can never
have too much web space!

* Web statistics provided: Knowing what is happening on your website(s) is vitally important to an internet marketer. You need to know (on a multi-page site) on which pages people are entering your site (it's not always your home page), where they came from (other websites and search engines) and a lot more. Some hosting companies give you goos summary reports. Others just give you the raw log files which you have to analyze using special software.

* Cost: I've left this to the end because it shouldn't be your most important consideration. Free web space is best left for little personal websites, but for internet marketers, "commercial-grade" web space, meeting the points

I've mentioned above, is a must. Having said that, you should be able to get excellent web hosting packages for about $10 to $20 per month. Don't make cost your main consideration!

If you use these criteria to screen prospective hosting packages, you should be able to pick a good one. But before you commit yourself, just do a search for your short listed hosting companies on Google Groups and see if there are any negative comments about the hosting companies you are considering.

Profit- Recognize needs- Web Hosting

After numerous encounters with the truth that vociferously demanded your business to have a web presence too, good sense finally prevailed. You have decided to align yourself with the group constituted by zillions who have already reached, tested, tried and ….still trying hard to make a mark in the webscape.

Welcome you to internet.The web of hopes, mistakes, chances, spams, connectivity, crawlers, communities, bots…..etc.etc.etc and many more. Welcome to the world of Web – the web of internet.

What do you want your website to do now?
Most understandably, you want your website to make your business more popular and bring profit on the account of a rich showcase of your specialty and capabilities. And I am just very sure that you have already hard-lined your future steps to completely assure success for every concept and formula that you have conceived.

How about a final check on the options that you might have ignored?
Why? Because, based on these options you would be making a very important selection in the near future. The decision would be of selecting right web hosting service provider for your company.

Ok. From further complicating the matter and getting more into mysteries, let’s get into a bit of quizzing session. Following are some questions that need to be asked and proceeded in the exact synchrony that I have followed here. However, you have the entire right to ask them in the manner you want. You can use your cubicle, conference room, living room, drawing room, (or for that of a matter wash room also), to settle into the groove of asking and finding the right solution.

First: What you want your website to do?
And then follow the series below:

Website Hosting Company Selection-Tips

A website hosting company is very much essential for establishing your website presence. It is not sufficient to just create a website; you need to have a domain which is provided by a website hosting company. As there are many such companies around, some thought and consideration has to be used in choosing the right website hosting company.

A very important point to consider is the amount of support the company gives you. You have to choose a web host that gives a good response to any problem you have; and in other words, has a good support system with 24/7 live chat support.

The website hosting company has to have a minimum of 99% uptime, especially if you have a commercial website where you have to stay online continuously, without interruptions. In addition to this, the web host should have lots of web or disc space as there is always the possibility of you needing to expand your website over time.

Preferably, the website hosting company should offer you a web space of 1 GB so that you can add features and several scripts to your website if and when required. And if your web host permits you to hold multiple domains from an account, you definitely need more than 1 GB of disc space.

Ecommerce web development
If you own a business website that sells products or services, you need to choose a website hosting company that has e-commerce features like Agora shopping carts. Usually web hosts provide shopping carts for free. As scripts today usually use SSIs for inclusion of data, you have to ensure that you choose the web host that supports or activates SSI for your domain.

Website Design – Development Future

In 1990’s search engine are not much popular after 2000 search engine like Google and Yahoo plays major part the website promotion. So now making a website is not important but how to promote your website and get good ranking in search engine is most important. Here I like to explain some major factors like web site design, web site development, web hosting, search engine optimization (online and offline), internet promotion and marketing etc.

Website Design
To develop a website in html design layout is now a common but search engines are more supporting to xhtml design and Cascading Style Sheets layout (css design). One of the biggest advantages to using xhtml css layout design is time consumers in website development. Styles sheets define how to display html elements in your website. All major browsers Netscape and Internet explorer support cascading style sheets and solve common problems in html/htm. You ca use lot of extra methods in a single html pages like external style, internal style sheet, inline styles, multiple style sheets.

AJAX Website Development
AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript has the power to make your site more compelling and more dynamic Ajax used for creating interactive web development applications. Most advantages of Ajax is real-time form data validation, auto completion, load on demand, sophisticated user interface controls and effects, refreshing data and server push, partial submit, obtain data using a server-side proxy, create single-page marshalled applications, low bandwidth usage and also support search engine.

Good Web Development Tips

Good web development takes a few different things. You need to have a good website, one that will make people want to stick around to what is going on and you need to have a good web host company to work with. You also need to have a good domain name. This is a key element of your overall web development. Once you have created all of your web site pages you will want to start shopping around for a good domain name. This name is going to be one that is easy to remember and simple to spell. If you do not have your web site designed yet that does not mean that you cannot choose a domain name. If you already know just what you want your domain name to be then you should get it as soon as possible. You just never know when someone might take it, get in there and don't miss out.

Web application development tools
The domain name that you choose is vital to your overall business. The name that you finally choose during the web development process is going to be one that is short and to the point. It should be easy to spell so that no one can forget it and it also needs to be relevant to your enterprise. You do not want a long name of letters and numbers that have no meaning, no customer will remember it and it is imperative that they remember so that when they see ads on the bus or in the paper they remember how to get to your site.

Website Development

Website development involves understanding the types of visitors that will be coming to the site. The framework of website development work involves the navigation or site layout. The navigation focuses on the visitor's expectations and desires. There are two types of visitors that will be coming to a website. The type that wants to get what they want and get out. The types that want to spend his or her time and explore the area.
When it comes to website development for the visitor who wants to get in and get out. The web designer can employ a number of methods to make their site visitors experience fast and efficient. Search engines can be built into the site that allows them to search only the site or the entire Internet. A search engine is an interesting and quick way for visitors to locate what they want on the site.

Small business web development
When it comes to the visitor who wants to stroll leisurely through the site, then the web designer needs to employ an easy layout that invites the exploration. So what defines simple and easy layout? What makes a site browsable? Is it a bunch of links slapped together? There are a variety of ways to present links in a way that not only adds function but also adds pizzazz and glitz.

To incorporate either a search engine or easy surfing links, there are a number of ways to make the site usable. Usability is an essential function of website development and design. Usability means the good content can be found. Usability means it looks attractive, but it works better.

Web Development User Friendly?

Creating a website that is pretty much user friendly is not that difficult at all. It only takes some creative thinking ahead. When initiating web development the first thing to think about is the audience. The content and style should cater the audience preferences. The web designer should take a look at the sites that they commonly visit and take note the qualities that are most appealing. What makes this website so appealing? Is it the graphics that are offered? Does the text seem to flow logically? Piecing together positive aspects of different websites will aid in the basic concept of the desired web design.

These aspects that have been taken from other websites can be pieced together to form the desired web design. web development training .However, in a web development plan always think about the user. A website is designed for a person to come on and use. If the website is not user friendly then usage will be low. There for keep in mind the visitor when creating a web design. In web development think like the average web surfer that is visiting the website for the first time. Make sure that the pages connect logically for the user. Don't forget to provide them with information and navigation cues. Having a way for them to be able to navigate between pages efficiently will aid so much. Never underestimate the use of the back cue on a website.